
Work Package 1: Identification of SC study scenarios, requirements and initial development & diffusion plan.


Operational requirements for tracking SC study scenarios.
Είδος Παραδοτέου: Report
Leading Partner: Floridis SA
Functional and security requirements of SC tracking management systems
Είδος Παραδοτέου: Report
Leading Partner: iTrack
Initial plan for the utilization and dissemination of project results
Είδος Παραδοτέου: Report
Leading Partner: iTrack


Vulnerabilities and security risks report for the existing trading solution for the individual SC scenarios
Deliverable Type: Report (Confidential)
Leading Partner: University of Piraeus

Security final report for the proposed solution and the original platform developed
Deliverable Type: Report
Leading Partner: University of Piraeus

Work Package 2: Security risk assessment for the existing and proposed solution

Work Package 3: Architecture and security mechanisms design


Distributed ledger architecture for tracking and IoT embedding
Είδος Παραδοτέου: Report
Leading Partner: University of Thessaly
Distributed Ledger Security Services Architecture
Είδος Παραδοτέου: Report
Leading Partner: University of Piraeus

Integrated security services architecture

Deliverable Type: Report
Leading Partner: University of Ioannina

Integrated architecture for IoT devices and security services
Deliverable Type: Report
Leading Partner: University of Piraeus


Original distributed ledger platform for SC tracking
Deliverable Type: Software
Leading Partner: University of Thessaly

Innovative IoT management data collection system
Deliverable Type: Software
Leading Partner: University of Ioannina

Final version of prototypes
Deliverable Type: Software
Leading Partner: University of Piraeus

Work Package 4: Development of an innovative platform

Work Package 5: Development of innovative security mechanisms


Development of a distributed trust management mechanism
Deliverable Type: Software
Leading Partner: University of Piraeus

Development of a data privacy protection mechanism
Deliverable Type: Software
Leading Partner: University of Thessaly

Development of a distributed access control mechanism using Smart Contracts
Deliverable Type: Software
Leading Partner: University of Piraeus

Development of an integrated mechanism for authentication of IoT devices and cloning protection
Deliverable Type: Software
Leading Partner: University of Piraeus

Communication security of integrated IoT devices
Deliverable Type: Software
Leading Partner: University of Ioannina

Reliability of integrated IoT devices
Deliverable Type: Software
Leading Partner: University of Ioannina


Testing of proposed solutions in an end-user environment
Deliverable Type: Report
Leading Partner: Floridis SA

Finalisation and integration of the proposed solutions
Deliverable Type: Final prototype
Leading Partner: iTrack


Results demo and creation of the final utilization and dissemination plan

Deliverable Type: Final Report
Leading Partner: University of Piraeus

Work Package 6: Completion, control and evaluation

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