Project meetings

  • 7/12/2023

    A project team meeting took place. Agenda topics included:

    a) Project progress evaluation

    β) Έλεγχος εκκρεμοτήρτων ενόψει της ολοκλήρωσης του συνόλου των παραδοτέων του φυσικού αντικειμένου του έργου,

    γ) Σχεδιασμός των  επόμενων εργασιών,

    δ) Προετοιμασία Τεχνικών και Οικονομικών αναφορών.

    The meeting was attended by all stakeholders.

  • 28/11/2023

    A project team meeting took place. Agenda topics included:

    a) Project progress evaluation

    β) Σχεδιασμός των  επόμενων εργασιών.

    The meeting was attended by all stakeholders.

  • 19/10/2023

    A project team meeting took place. Agenda topics included:

    a) Project progress evaluation

    b) Design of next steps

    c) Technical and Economical Reports preparation

    The meeting was attended by all stakeholders.

  • 25/4/2023

    A project team meeting took place. Agenda topics included:

    a) Project progress evaluation

    b) Design of next steps

    c) Technical and Economical Reports preparation

    The meeting was attended by all stakeholders.

  • 9/3/2023

    Συνάντηση της ομάδας έργου, 9/3/2023

    A project team meeting took place. Agenda topics included:

    a) Project progress evaluation

    b) Design of next steps

    c) Technical and Economical Reports preparation

    The meeting was attended by all stakeholders.

  • 5/7/2022

    Συνάντηση της ομάδας έργου, 5/7/2022

    A project team meeting took place. Agenda topics included:

    a) Project phases 2 and 3 scheduling,

    b) Technical presentation of iTrack's current system in view of both software and hardware components,

    c) Proposals for system optimization,

    d) Procedural and organizational aspects of the project.

    The meeting was attended by all stakeholders.

  • 24/6/2022

    A project team meeting took place. Agenda topics included:

    a) Project progress evaluation

    b) Design of next steps

    c) Technical and Economical Reports preparation

    The meeting was attended by all stakeholders.

  • 12/5/2022

    The 5th Meeting of the Project Management Team was held where issues were discussed in view of the finalization of the deliverables D1.2 and D1.3. The meeting was attended by all partners.

  • 7/4/2022

    The 4th Meeting of the Project Management Team took place. The discussion focused on the planning of the actions required for WU 2. At the same time, the deliverables D1.2 and D1.3 were presented. The meeting was attended by all stakeholders.

  • 28/2/2022

    In the context of the analysis of the available technologies and the design of the solutions that will be proposed, a teleconference was held with a focus on technical issues.

  • 10/2/2022

    The 3rd Meeting of the Project Management Team was held where issues were discussed in view of the finalisation of the deliverable of the D1.1 and the progress of the deliverables D1.2 and D1.3.

  • 28/1/2022

    The 2nd Meeting of the Project Management Team was held where issues regarding the progress of the project were discussed. In the meeting, subjects regarding the finalization of the deliverable D1.1 and the maturization of thedeliverables D1.2 and D1.3 were examined. The meeting was attended by all partners.

  • 10/11/2021

    Members of the project team visited the facilities of the company FLORIDIS SA. The hosts presented the key features of the SC chain that their company is involved with and the technological solutions that support the relevant processes.

  • 19/10/2021

    The 1st Meeting of the Project Management Team was held. The meeting had to examine the project progress with a special focus on the ongoing implementation of WP1. All partners participated in the teleconference.

  • 7/10/2021

    Kick-off meeting with the participation of all project partners

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